Saturday, September 19, 2020

10 Common Myths About Hair Transplants

When looking at getting a hair transplant, you can hear information about the procedure from many sources, and some of them will be myths. To avoid getting sucked into these myths and not get the full story, here are 10 myths that you might hear about hair transplants.

1. Hair transplants are expensive.

Hair transplants are not expensive when you look at the long benefits of them. Once you have had a hair transplant, it is permanent and you will benefit from the hair growth for the rest of your life. It turns out that it can be cheaper to take a hair transplant than to take medication for years in an attempt to keep and grow hair again.

2. It is easy to see if anyone has had a transplant.

It may have been true that it was easy to tell if anyone had put hair plugs in previous years. Now with the new techniques, it is very difficult to tell if someone has had one or not.

3. A hair transplant is not permanent.

A transplant is a permanent surgical procedure that lasts the rest of your life. It is as permanent as the hair on the sides and back of your head that has been transplanted.

4. It is better to get it done once your baldness first begins.

In fact, research has shown that it is better to wait until a pattern develops so that doctors can better tell which hair is more likely to be good candidates for transplantation.

5. A transplant is painful.

All surgical procedures are painful. Fortunately, new advances in surgical technology have significantly reduced the pain associated with haartransplantatie turkije.

6. Everyone can.

Not everyone is a good candidate for a hair transplant. First, you need an acceptable hair donor area that has enough hair area to be grafted. Second, you need to have a healthy scalp.

7. A transplant is reversible.

A hair transplant is not reversible without a lot of surgery, and why would you reverse it? Remove your beautiful hair? You do not have to worry about your hair disappearing. It's there to stay.

8. Someone else's hair can be used in the transplant.

No, a hair transplant just transplants healthy hair from one part of your scalp to the area that is bald. The hair continues to grow in its new home and you have healthy hair. No worries about getting someone else's dandruff.

9. Hair transplants can fall out.

Transplants do not fall out. Since it is a surgical procedure, the hair transplants are surgically placed in place so that they are permanent.

10. Hair transplants are maintenance intensive

Transplants are no more maintenance intensive than your normal hair. You will probably want to take care of your hair better than you have before, but that choice is up to you.

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