Saturday, September 19, 2020

The glorious age of laser eye surgery

If you have been suffering from an eye condition for a long time - whether you are short - sighted, farsighted or astigmatic - you will be happy to know that there is now a safe and permanent solution to treat these conditions - laser eye surgery.

Laser eye surgery can change your life. The method can significantly reduce the hassle of wearing glasses or contact lenses and the cost associated with both.

Types of Laser Eye Surgery

There are two types of laser eye surgery: LASIK (the most common) and PRK / LASEK. Both of these types of surgery use the same extremely precise laser to reshape the cornea.

The reshaping of the cornea is the key to correcting vision because the shape of the cornea determines the way light enters your eye. If your cornea is more curved than it should be, it refracts light so it focuses right in front of the cornea. This is known as myopia (myopia). In cases where the cornea is flatter than it should be, light converges just behind the cornea and causes farsightedness (hyperopia). Both of these conditions can be treated with laser eye surgery. Laser eye surgery can also be used to treat very high prescriptions and the effects of aging eyes (presbyopia). Let’s take a closer look at these treated eye disorders to find out more about ways laser surgery could really change your life.

A breakdown of eye disorders that can be treated with laser eye surgery

Presbyopia: Around the time we turn 40, our vision begins to deteriorate. The lens of the eye begins to stiffen, while the muscles that allow you to change your focus from close to almost become weaker. This naturally aging eye condition is called presbyopia (literally meaning "old eye") - this is the dreaded moment when most people consider bifocal reading glasses or contact lenses. However, this condition can be treated with a laser eye treatment known as Laser Blended Vision.

Myopia: Also known as myopia, this is an eye condition in which the eyeball is slightly longer and rounder than it should be. As a result, the light entering your eye converges right in front of the retina, creating a blurred, blurred image at a distance. There are various forms of myopia, the most common being physiological myopia, pathological myopia and acquired myopia. For patients with this condition, myopia lenses or glasses have been the preferred treatment method for many years. Fortunately, myopia is also an ideal condition for laser eye surgery.

Myopia: Also known as hyperopia, this ooglaseren condition affects myopia first and later in life, both distance and myopia. Often, if you are farsighted, you can focus on objects nearby with a conscious effort that tends to cause headaches. Myopia is relatively common and affects about one in four people. Usually it is a hereditary condition, and in fact almost all babies start life hyperopic - their hyperopia tends to decrease as they get older. Those whose hyperopia persists and develops are likely to wear glasses or contact lenses in their mid-twenties - or at least consider it. Myopia can be treated successfully and permanently with LASIK or PRK / LASEK surgery.

Astigmatism: An astigmatic cornea is more shaped like a rugby ball than the normal sphere. Light enters at different angles through this cone and creates two focal points and therefore a blurred image. This is the cause of classic astigmatism symptoms such as blurred lowercase letters, difficulty reading, inability to see both near and far without squinting eyes, constant headaches and fatigue. Although treating astigmatism is more complex than standard myopia or hyperopia, virtually all astigmatism symptoms can be treated with laser eye surgery using the right technology.

What to consider before getting laser eye surgery

Your sight is one of your most precious gifts, so you owe it to yourself to check all options thoroughly before making a decision. Each eye is unique, which is why your laser eye surgery treatment must be tailored exactly to the specific needs of your eye. Prior to the procedure, your eye surgeon must calibrate the laser according to a personalized treatment plan based on a rigorous and detailed screening process and a customized set of treatment profiles programmed right for you.

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