Friday, May 8, 2020

Cosmetology schools

Find cosmetology schools in the United States and Canada. Cosmetology schools provide training and education that can lead to endless career possibilities in the spa and beauty fields. Although cosmetology schools vary in specific curricula, most programs include in-depth training in hair care, including hair straightening, darkening or lightening techniques, permanent waving and relaxation, coloring; cut, shampoo and hairstyle; scalp and facial treatments, skin care techniques, facial and scalp massage, body wraps, microdermabrasion, analysis and makeup application; manicures, pedicures, foot and hand massage and spa, and other nail technology.
Typically, courses at cosmetology schools range from 1,000 hours of training to 1,500 hours. This is often due to independent state laws, regulations, and requirements. Fundamental studies in Cosmetology school near me include CPR and first aid education, anatomy, physiology, chemistry, nutrition, and product education. In addition, cosmetology schools will often include supplemental training in business, legal, and ethical (cosmetology-related) matters, customer communication skills, and in some cases, software programming regarding the administration of a salon or a cosmetology office.

Cosmetology schools successfully prepare students to become professional cosmetologists, beauticians, hairdressers, beauticians, nail technicians, and the like. Licensed professional cosmetologists can choose to open their own day spa or beauty salon, or they can work across the industry in beauty shops, retail stores, resorts, or other wellness clinics.

For more information on cosmetology schools, or if you are interested in entering other fields of health, wellness and beauty, feel free to search the vocational schools directory.
Find the job of your dreams! Let education in fast-growing industries like massage therapy, cosmetology, acupuncture, healthcare, personal training, and more get you started! Explore career programs near you.

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