Thursday, May 7, 2020

Eyelash Mania, but remember safety first

The beauty market has always been a lucrative business and continues its reign with a growing eyelash craze. The market is booming with new lengthening masks, eyelash growth serums, eyelash conditioners, growth serum eyeliners, eyelash extensions and false eyelashes. Beauty blogs are excited about new products and techniques to improve the look of your lashes to make them look like the lashes of a mile from Hollywood stars who made fakes a household name. A simple mask is no longer enough. Trend or not, it is important to use these products with the idea of ​​eye safety first.

Most consumers obsessed with eyelashes believe that a product should be safe because it is available; Although there are safety guidelines, products should be used with great confidence in the instructions to reduce the risk of injury. The truth is that much of the merchandise has a long list of precautions, side effects, etc. To be safe, most products are specified for use with the guidance of an ophthalmologist or optometrist, however, most women rarely consult a professional before using such products. products

Why should you be careful? Because if not used correctly, these types of products have the potential to create temporary and permanent eye problems.

Right next to the top four eyelash serums, including the ever-popular Latisse, the list of side effects includes redness of the eye, irritation, headaches, permanent pigmentation of the eyelid and pigment of the iris, changes in eye pressure, vision blurred and the list goes on. The products are safer when used with an ophthalmologist as suggested.

Beyond serums, false eyelashes and extensions use toxic glue that could produce permanent blurred vision if it contacts the eye. Also, the threat of eye infection is great due to the foreign element near the eye and the technician who applies the false eyelashes. Hygiene plays an important role because false eyelashes trap dirt and bacteria on the eyelids. Contact lens wearers should be careful when applying false eyelashes as the temporary adhesive used will devastate their lenses.

The risks of most side effects are doubled for those who already suffer from glaucoma and other eye conditions. sensitive eyelash extension glue homeuse

Shouldn't you be using the products to achieve the long lash look? Yes you can, but remembering eye care and eye health is the key. When used correctly, mascara is a less permanent and less damaging way to achieve the long-mile eyelash look with minimal risk to eye health. With mascara, remember to change the tube every 6 weeks to reduce the risk of eye infection.

Most important tip to guide through the maze of products to extend the eyelashes: consult your ophthalmologist. Regardless of the list of side effects of the product; Be sure to check with your optometrists to make sure there are no infections and that you learn how to use the products in the safest way to ensure optimal eye health.

For more information on eye and vision care, check out stories related to other lifestyle choices that affect your eyesight on the Insights blog, or visit our website to schedule an appointment.

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