Saturday, May 2, 2020

What seems to be the problem?

"Good management is the art of making problems so interesting and their solutions so constructive that everyone wants to get to work and deal with them." Paul Hawken

Problem, noun ... when you hear the words "we have a problem" in your company, what is your first reaction? The dictionary defines the verbal problem in two ways: 1) a source of puzzlement, anguish, or irritation; or 2) a question asked for consultation, consideration or solution. If you are like me, the second definition is much tastier.

Because the verbal problem has often been associated with terrible circumstances, we automatically tense up, we keep our eyes wide open and sometimes feel a little dizzy when the word is spoken, as it seems that something terrible is about to happen. or has happened.

But if you become conditioned again to think of the word as an opportunity, the world becomes your oyster. Why? Because you will take the opportunity to consider a solution, as this will allow you to showcase your creativity and innovative thinking style.

Many managers believe that if they ignore the problem long enough, it will resolve or disappear. But a problem never really goes away, it just buries itself and then builds on the next time a similar problem arises until it really gets serious.

It is much easier and more efficient to solve small problems as they arise rather than waiting and allowing them to become infected and grow. The more practice you have to solve small problems quickly, the better equipped you will be to deal with a big problem should it arise.

But I propose not to. Keeping an eye on the ball every day, listening to your employees and customers, and keeping the pulse of your industry and your competitors will give you a clear idea of ​​what the issues are and where you should focus your business thinking and energy.

I am not suggesting that you overreact to the vine or to someone who is having a bad day. Chasing or looking for problems when they don't really exist is a waste of time. What I am suggesting is that you keep information in your hat and if similar information appears, you know it is time to act to prevent it from becoming a real situation that cannot be easily solved, even with the most creative and level head. redactiesommen groep 8

The problems are our teachers. Dealing with them helps us move to the next level in our career. Avoiding them keeps us trapped and immobilized. Creating solutions to problems can actually be fun when you reap the benefits of the result and see how those involved feel relieved and happy again.

The solution to a problem should be win / win for everyone and not just a band-aid. However, if it turns out it was just a quick fix despite your smart analysis, be flexible and use that experience not only to find a better solution to the issue at hand, but also to understand what works and what doesn't. future problems

Therefore, accept the problems and solve them quickly so that you and your company progress steadily on the road to greater success and rewards.

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