Math word problems are often used to measure students 'ability to decipher pertinent information and also to assess students' ability to use their analytical and mathematical skills to solve problems. Math word problems are often used to relate math to real-life situations. For example, physics applications, finance applications, economics applications, surveying, and other fields rely heavily on mathematics.
Consequently, word problems appear on many standardized tests, as well as on the daily tasks faced by students. Standardized tests like the SAT test love word problems, as they can be used to integrate many fields of mathematics; and they are higher-order thinking assessment tools.
At Math Made Easy, expert tutors know how to help students solve seemingly complicated word problems through an innovative approach to solving math word problems, as well as an emphasis on proven methods.

Math word problems are frequently used on math tests not only for the reasons mentioned above, but also because they are used to integrate many areas of math into the same problem. An example would be a math problem that tests a student's knowledge of Geometry and Algebra. Math Made Easy's expert tutors are familiar with many strategies that help students achieve the ability to solve word problems.
Although the strategies listed are different from topic to topic, tutors inform students of the importance of constantly writing known and unknown quantities when reading a word problem, underlining key words, and drawing graphs. After doing so, students will also be tutored in the specific math topics with which the word problem is involved. After efficient, effective, and in-depth assistance on the specific topic of a word problem, students will be able to complete a problem and arrive at a satisfactory solution. redactiesommen groep 8
The structure of the Math Made Easy word problem aid is identical to its help with homework in general, and also when working with word problems for the SAT and GRE tests. Expert tutors know how to attract student learning styles in a way that maximizes student effectiveness in order to extract pertinent information about word problems and use their math skills to complete a solution to a word problem. Expert tutors are also good at relating word problems to real life, and often offer students many options for viewing and / or relating to a particular problem.
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