Friday, February 28, 2020

Top 10 health care tips from the experts

The average penis may only be a few inches long, but it takes up a lot of mental space. In fact, it's probably safe to say that the average guy spends a significant amount of time wondering what to do to keep his tool in tip-top shape so he can use it as often as he likes will. Men’s health experts offer these 10 penis care tips that can help guys do just that and improve their overall sexual performance.

1. Wash daily.

This may seem like a no-brainer, but according to many practitioners, a surprising number of men tend to neglect this simple step. Washing may not be exciting, but it is an important part of keeping the intimate tissue healthy. A quick rinse with warm water, including a rinse under the foreskin for the guys who haven't been cut, should be enough to keep the tissues healthy if done daily.

2. Choose non-perfume cleaners.

Ordinary soaps often dry as they have detergent properties that can blow natural oils from the skin. Whether or not a cleanser is used directly on the penis, the foam can drip down from a man's arms and chest onto his dangling tool. Sticking to body washes that do not contain perfume can keep dryness and irritation at bay.

3. Perform routine inspections. deep tissue gun

There are a number of factors that can affect manhood, including:

Sexually transmitted diseases
Dermatological disorders
Bacterial infections
Many of these disorders are easily treated when caught early and treated with proper medical care. A daily visual inspection can help a man understand what his tool typically looks like so he can spot problems before they rotate out of control.

4. Contact a doctor with questions and concerns.

If a medical problem arises, a person with a medical degree can provide appropriate care. Friends, parents and neighbors may have all kinds of opinions, as do online understanders, but doctors can perform tests and prescribe treatments that others cannot.

5. Wear proper protection during athletic endeavors.

Some health problems can be completely prevented if men wear the proper protection during sports activities involving projectiles. Baseball, football and some athletics events can leave men with bruised and bleeding tissue that require care in the emergency room. Sliding on a cup can reduce this risk.

6. Choose a penis-friendly bike seat.

While men who jump on a bike may not need to carry a cup, the seat they sit on could be designed in such a way that the flow of blood to the penis is prevented or even stopped altogether. Seats shaped more like a sponge and less like a banana do not tend to cause this type of blockage and they can keep the penis healthier as a result.

7. Always use lotion.

Fast and furious sexual encounters, whether with a partner or without, can result in skin that is chapped, scaly and tender. Lubricants provide a smooth layer of protection that can prevent friction-based injuries from taking hold, and can mean skin remains soft and responsive.

8. Wear protection during intimate meetings.

Latex-based protection, when used early in a sexual encounter, can help protect against some types of sexually transmitted diseases. Obviously, areas not covered by a condom can still be at risk and this protection does not work well if it slips off or tears for a moment, but it can help some men avoid infections in intimate areas.

9. Resist the urge to pierce.

Intimate jewelry may be popular, but the process of piercing intimate skin can lead to infections or deep tissue trauma. Going natural may not be considered sexy at the moment, but tissues avoiding a piercing cannon can also be just a healthier touch.

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