Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Animals can be smarter than doctors

Animals seem to be intrinsically smarter than humans when it comes to knowing what to do when their body encounters a disease, illness or injury. When they get sick or injured, they fast! They will find a safe place to hide, usually near a water source, and will do nothing but rest, sleep and drink water. To put it another way, they fast and give your body the chance to heal and repair itself.

This brown bear ate poisoned meat that was left by an illegal hunter or poacher, but survived on an empty stomach for 37 days. The bear drank only water during this period of time and when he finally returned to eating, he chose berries, not meat, to slowly acclimatize his digestive system to solid foods, avoiding shock to the digestive organs.

Animals can be smarter than doctors

Most diseases and illnesses are directly or indirectly related to the quantity and quality of the water they drink. Many diseases are the result that the body lacks enough water. When this happens, the body cannot function properly, such as blood supply, lymph, digestive juices and lubricants. In addition, certain vital organs steal water from other less vital organs, putting them at risk. If this condition is not corrected, serious consequences may occur, including organ failure.

This author not only writes about distilled water and its relation to health and fasting, but has drunk more than one gallon per day and has fasted once or twice a year for a minimum of 21 days for more than 40 years. That's more than 16,000 gallons of distilled water and more than 800 days without food ... and I haven't died prematurely yet.Anime Appearance Generatornhaf

Unlike humans, animals will instinctively run out of food, fast when they are affected by serious illness or injury. To support an injured member of a pack or herd, unlike humans, animals will instinctively run out of food or fast when they are affected by the disease. To help an injured member of a pack or herd, it is known that deer and wolves spend weeks without eating for support. In addition to animals, even babies and young children subject to illness or injury are influenced by their instinct given by God to fast all food that helps and accelerates healing.

My wife Alice and I have supplied distilled water to our "Beanie" cat since it was weaned and, as a result, she has never been ill or been in a veterinarian who has not been sterilized. She is over 19 years old and still chasing her tail and will run at full speed from one end of the 40-foot motor home to the other and turning from the couch. Our friends think it is a miracle and others who have not known Beanie since she was a kitten, they think we are senile or suffer from mild Alzheimer's. You can imagine how surprised we were when he stopped eating a couple of months ago. I realized that she must have been poisoned or had a serious intestinal ailment. Beanie slept continuously for about 10-12 days and only got up to get to her distilled water or litter box.

One day, suddenly, he let us know without hesitation that he was ready to eat! His regular food? No, she wanted watermelon and melon puree, the central pulp and the seeds of a cucumber and just licked her "Fancy Feast" sauce. The next day he started eating solid foods. Animals seem to be smarter than people in this area, especially many doctors, since they would simply medicate the symptoms, they would definitely not prescribe a fast.

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