Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The top ten ways to keep wild animals wild

Every year there are reports of wild animals that have to be shot dead because of their aggressive behavior towards humans. Last year there were a couple of bears and a goat that killed a human who was killed to protect humans.

The number one reason why wild animals become aggressive with humans is because of humans. When campers leave food unattended or unprotected, bears realize that humans are a great source of food. When your puppies are hungry or need to accumulate fat for the winter, they can become aggressive. It is not the bear's fault. Humans have taught the bear that they are a good source of easy food.

In the case of the goat that fatally attacked the hiker last year, the goat had reached the humans associated with a much-needed source of salt through urine and sweat near the trails. Wild animals simply try to survive. They don't have supermarkets or fast food restaurants to get food. Every day is a struggle to live. By human actions, intentional or not, wild animals look at us as an easy food source and will do whatever it takes to obtain it.Anime Appearance Generatornhaf

People who think it's cute to feed foxes and squirrels don't think it's cute when foxes bite or have to be belittled for approaching humans. Squirrels can be vicious and an attack is not a pleasant thing. So this spring, help protect wild animals and keep them wild by observing the following.

1. Do not feed wild animals.
2. Do not leave food unattended and store food properly.
to. Bears will destroy cars to get food, toothpaste, deodorant and more.
yes. Use bear containers and lockers to store food.
3. If you see an animal, give it distance. Do not approach to take a picture. Give it space. An uncomfortable animal is much more likely to attack.
4. Never get between a mother and her babies.
to. If you see puppies or other small animals, know that the mother is nearby and get out of there.
5. If a black bear enters your camp, shout, wave your arms and throw stones. Do not run. Do not leave your food.
6. Wild animals tend to leave at dawn and dusk. Walking alone on the trails can attract attacks from wolves, grizzly bears and mountain lions. Walk in pairs or make noise as you go.
7. Find out what animals are in the area where you are camping / walking and know how to protect yourself from them.
8. Remember that you are in their territory. Wild animals only have small amounts of wild space to live. Respect that.
9. If an animal seems aggressive or agitated, if possible, withdraw from the situation and camp elsewhere. (Again, meet the animal. Running away from a brown bear or a mountain lion will only encourage an attack.)
10. If you find wild animals around your home, remember that they are still wild. When feeding or leaving remains, animals forget how to hunt and survive when humans leave.

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