Work is not good for you. Slowly over time, wear and tear will damage the nerves and muscles. In fact, backbreaking labor, as the name suggests, will shorten your life dramatically. But well-rounded exercise is excellent and its effects on the mind, body and soul are astounding. In fact, the question should not be "Do you train?" but rather "How do you train?"
In the modern world, somewhere along the line, we have gotten so out of the habit of regular healthy training - in fact, important training - that we have to go out of our way to make it artificially. We go to the gym, jog along the river or go to the dance club. We have to plan our exercise and many pay for the privilege of it. Exercise has become a luxury that we need to squeeze into our hectic schedules, though as important as vitamins.
So what does exercise do for us beyond toning our muscles and making us more limber? First, exercise maintains health. People who exercise regularly are far less likely to have strokes, heart attacks and certain types of heart attacks than those who do not. Second, exercise is a natural antidepressant. People who exercise regularly are more optimistic and positive about life than people who do not. And that is a fact. Exercise will make you happy.

What to avoid in training? While there is nothing Panacea with intense workouts such as weight lifting and long distance running, keep in mind that the greater the strain on the muscles and bones, the greater the likelihood of structural damage and injury in the long run. Too much exercise, pushing too much will ultimately be counterproductive. One can train up to a point where it becomes difficult to maintain. Keep that pace for a while, but not until the point where you can't sustain it anymore. It is a good exercise and you will feel good too.
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