Thursday, March 12, 2020

Filipino Dating - Busting Myths About Online Asian Dating

If you were at a party a decade ago and you told someone you had met your partner online, you would have gotten a very strange stare. And if you told them that you are with a Filipino girl 5,000 miles away in Manilla, you haven't actually met face to face yet, then that person would look horrified as they slowly backed away from you.

In the late 1990s, dating online was something you kept secret for fear of ridicule. Fortunately, times have changed. Online dating has come across its difficult genesis and is now a widely accepted way to meet your husband or wife. In fact, more than 30% of marriages for couples under the age of 35 started dating their partner online.

But there will always be some resistance to change, especially when dating people from another culture. If you are cemented in your negative beliefs about dating Filipino women, let's see if we take a few of the myths you hold on to and bust them.

Myth: Dating of Asian women online is for nerds

Fact: The term 'nerd' is used to apply to someone who was comfortable with computers when they were just introduced to society. When computers had 4K memory and tape drives, use them to turn to your nerd friends for help when it stopped working. Fast forward 25 years and computers are mainstream. You probably have more processing power in your phone today than a 1985 family computer did. And think about how much you use your computer. You use it at work to write reports and send emails. You send letters and photos to family and friends around the country. You book a flight, movie or hotel online. You twitter, blog and check Facebook. So why not meet someone online too?

Myth: Dating with a Filipino girl online is only for desperate people

Fact: Have you pulled your head out of the sand recently and looked at the state of the economy? With so many job losses, many people work for an extended period of time to protect their jobs. Meeting someone online is not desperate, it is time efficient. If you are a guy and going to a bar, it may take 3 or 4 visits to your favorite place to meet someone who gives you a real phone number and wants you to call. If you are there for 3 or 4 hours each time, it is 16 hours. If you pull out 2 or 3 hours of overtime each day, who has the energy or time for this last? It takes about 30 minutes to join a dating site, create a profile and contact some interesting people.

Myth: Dating of Asian women online is meaningless - she's too far gone

Fact: Studies show that 2 out of every 5 single men who are looking for a partner join an Asian dating site. Think about it, Asia is only a 12 hour flight from the US and Europe. Look around for deals and you can often get to Manila or Bangkok cheaper than spending a few days in New York or London. There is no real difference in dating a Filipino girl as a long distance relationship with someone on the other side of your own country.

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